Missing Teeth

The Cascading Effects of Missing Teeth

dental patient with missing teeth

Missing Teeth Compromise Quality of Life

Losing teeth in any amount impacts the lives of patients in significant ways. Even the loss of a single tooth can change how you look, your ability to bite and chew comfortably, and especially hinder your self-confidence. Whether you are missing one tooth, multiple teeth or an entire arch, finding the right tooth replacement solution for your needs is paramount to your health, wellness and quality of living. Patients who are missing teeth in Duxbury and Osterville, MA may be reluctant to smile, laugh, and communicate comfortably with others, and are unable to enjoy normal oral function.

Leaving Missing Teeth Unreplaced Carries Health Risks

Living with prolonged tooth loss only invites further oral and general health concerns. Left unreplaced, missing teeth initiate a cascade of oral problems that create more complex dental needs which may require more expensive treatments to correct.


Bone Loss

Leaving missing teeth unreplaced allows the underlying bone to deteriorate. This bone loss alters the structure and natural contours of the jaw, causing the collapse or “sinking” appearance of facial features. It may also impact your ability to receive dental implants.


Bite Misalignment

Following tooth loss, surrounding teeth tend to drift into spaces left by missing teeth. Such tooth misalignment alters your bite, or how your upper and lower teeth fit together. Bite misalignment causes problems like TMJ disorders, gum recession, broken teeth, and oral discomfort.


Oral Damage

When teeth are lost, the surrounding teeth must carry to workload during biting and chewing activities. This redistributes biting forces of the jaw and places undue stress on other teeth. Over time, these stressors may cause teeth to break, crack, chip or endure other damage that requires restorative treatment.


Nutritional Concerns

Missing teeth affects the types of foods you can eat, limiting dietary intake and much needed nutrients. These nutritional concerns can lead to a depressed immune system, malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies and other health problems.

Dental Implants: The Highest Standard for Replacing Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth as soon as possible offers the most favorable results for your health and smile. Dental implants offer the highest standard of care in tooth replacement available today, and mimic natural teeth and their roots more closely than any other option. As a highly skilled implant surgeon, Dr. Robert Faiella collaborates closely with general dentists and prosthodontists to replace single, multiple and full arches of missing teeth with lasting dental implant solutions. If bone loss has occurred after missing teeth, he can also increase your candidacy for implants with bone grafting techniques.

dental implants model

Protect your health and smile from the effects of missing teeth.