Mouth-Body Connection

The Relationship Between Oral and Systemic Health

A Healthy Mouth for a Healthy Body

The importance of daily homecare and visiting your dentist or periodontist regularly goes beyond simply having a beautiful smile. While daily brushing and flossing do promote oral health, these activities, along with maintaining regular dental visits and treating oral conditions, are just as important to the preservation of bodily health. Poor oral hygiene and uncontrolled oral disease can lead to a string of cascading effects that not only impact your smile, but also your general health and wellness. As an experienced periodontist in Duxbury and Osterville, MA, Dr. Robert Faiella deeply understands the relationship between oral and systemic health. He is dedicated to educating patients on how maintaining periodontal health supports long-term health and quality living.

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  • Dr. Faiella discusses the oral systemic connection - it's all connected
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Gum Disease and Systemic Health

Numerous scientific research studies indicate a relationship between gum disease in the mouth and a range of systemic health problems. Researchers think that the link lies within the inflammatory response that begins in the mouth and affects general health in a variety of ways. It is believed that harmful oral bacteria gain access to the bloodstream through infected oral tissues and travel the circulatory system to lodge in various organs of the body. Visiting a periodontist for gum disease treatment as early as possible may help minimize your risk of experiencing the mouth-body connection associated with the oral infection.

Health Conditions Linked to Gum Disease

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type II diabetes
  • Respiratory illness
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Certain Cancers
  • Dementia
  • Pre-term labor
  • Low birth weight infants

Tooth Loss and Nutritional Deficiencies

Losing teeth impacts your ability to bite and chew comfortably, especially if extensive tooth loss has occurred. This change in oral function often limits dietary intake and leads to nutrition deficits, making it more difficulty for patients to consume foods that help support immunity and fight cancers and other conditions. Dr. Faiella is a highly skilled periodontist and implant dentist, and routinely replaces missing teeth with dental implants. If tooth loss is affecting your ability to eat and threatening your health, please schedule a consultation to learn more about your options for permanent tooth replacement with implants.

dental patient with tooth pain

Partner with a periodontist who puts your overall health and wellness first.