Soft Tissue Treatment

Specialized Soft Tissue Solutions

dr faiella discussing soft tissue treatment

Restore Health and Appearance to the Smile Zone

Soft tissue treatments are routine periodontal procedures that Dr. Robert Faiella performs with the skill and technique only an experienced periodontal specialist can provide. Patients often visit our full-service periodontal practice to reestablish esthetics and health to the gum tissues that show when they smile. The need for soft tissue periodontics may result from a number of sources, including an uneven gum line, gum inflammation or overgrowth, limited oral opening or the need to enable restoration of a damaged tooth. Dr. Faiella offers gingival sculpting in Duxbury and Osterville, MA, as well as crown lengthening and other soft tissue procedures designed to improve smile appearance, oral function and gum health.

soft tissue treatment patient smiling

Discover Our Soft Tissue Treatments

Dr. Faiella and our team want our patients to enjoy the benefits of a healthy, confident and beautiful smile. In addition to treating gum recession with gum grafting, Dr. Faiella routinely performs effective soft tissue treatments to return health and appearance to the smile zone. Our soft tissue procedures include:


Gingival Sculpting

Gingival sculpting is performed to remove excess, inflamed or overgrown gum tissue resulting from gum disease, certain medications and rapid orthodontic movement of the teeth. To perform gingival sculpting, Dr. Faiella gently removes affected tissue from the gum line to eliminate diseased or bulbous areas and improve gum health.



Frenectomies are a fast, simple surgical procedure that eliminate lip- and tongue-ties. Dr. Faiella uses skilled technique to release a short or tight frenum (the small muscle attaching the lips to the gums and tongue to the floor of the mouth). Performed on patients of all ages, frenectomies can improve eating and speaking ability, allow for the closure of an open space between the front teeth and enhance comfort in denture wearers.


Soft Tissue Recontouring

Dr. Faiella uses soft tissue recontouring to reshape an uneven gum line. He gently sculpts and contours the gum tissue around each tooth in the smile zone to improve the tooth-to-gum ratio and create a balanced, attractive appearance.


Crown Lengthening

Esthetic crown lengthen is a technique used to eliminate the look of short teeth or a gummy smile. Functional crown lengthening is performed to enable the placement of a restoration on a tooth that has damage below the gum line. Both techniques remove excess gum tissue (and sometimes bone) from around the teeth to expose more of the underlying tooth structure.

Excellence in Soft Tissue Care

We are proud to offer gingival sculpting, frenectomies and other soft tissue solutions our patients need to regain the confidence to speak, laugh, eat and enjoy their smiles without worry. With advanced skills backed by 31 years of experience, Dr. Faiella is the periodontal specialist many dentists and patients trust for excellence in soft tissue care. Rest assured, we monitor your comfort throughout your procedure, no matter your treatment needs. We strive to keep our patients informed every step of the way and offer the most efficient, safe and minimally invasive periodontal experiences. 

Our Patients
Tell The Story Best

Learn more on how our soft tissue procedures create a balanced, attractive smile.