
Is Peri-Implantitis Threatening Your Dental Implants?

failing dental implant graphic

Peri-Implantitis: The Leading Cause of Implant Failure

We understand the investment patients make in their smile, oral health and quality of life when choosing dental implants for tooth replacement. Peri-implantitis is an oral condition that may threaten this investment, causing implant failure, and should be evaluated at the first sign or symptom. The leading cause of implant failure and dental implant complications, peri-implantitis involves the gum and bone tissues that support a dental implant. Bacteria and other factors cause these tissues to breakdown and become compromised. Without proper and timely care, the bone and gum tissues can deteriorate to the point of no longer providing adequate implant support. Dr. Robert Faiella is an accomplished periodontist and implant surgeon, and offers the advanced skills and expertise needed to save dental implants from peri-implantitis in Duxbury and Osterville, MA.

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  • Dr. Faiella talks about peri-implantitis

Timely Treatment Can Save Your Dental Implants

Peri-implantitis affects the tissues around implants like gum disease impacts the tissues around teeth. Both conditions are progressive and will not resolve on their own. Leaving peri-implantitis untreated increases the risk of further bone loss, soft tissue damage and the failure of dental implants. To perform peri-implantitis treatment, Dr. Faiella debrides the implant surface of any plaque deposits and may perform gum grafting, bone grafting and regenerative tissue techniques to reestablish health in the bone and gums around your implant.

Signs and Symptoms of Peri-Implantitis

  • Implant mobility
  • Bleeding around implant
  • Gum inflammation or tenderness
  • Pain or discomfort upon biting
  • Exposed metal threads of implant
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Peri-Implantitis Care from a Qualified Specialist

As a board-certified periodontist and Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, Dr. Faiella is uniquely qualified or provide peri-implantitis care. No matter your peri-implantitis or implant surgery needs, Dr. Faiella always brings his refined skills, expertise and compassion to each procedure he performs. He and our experienced team are committed to delivering the highest quality care in the most comfortable way possible. If you have noticed changes in your dental implant, Dr. Faiella can determine if peri-implantitis is a threat to your tooth replacement investment and take measures to save your oral health and smile.

Are you experiencing signs or symptoms of peri-implantitis?