Osseous Surgery

Specialized Treatment for Advanced Gum Disease

dental patient with gum disease

What Is Osseous Surgery?

Osseous surgery is a specialized periodontal procedure used to treat the advanced periodontitis stage of gum disease. Patients who are candidates for osseous surgery typically have moderate to advanced bone loss due to gum disease, or areas that have not responded favorably to non-surgical scaling and root planing therapy. Choosing a skilled periodontist to treat your gum disease in Duxbury and Osterville, MA is important in order to receive the highest standard of care for your periodontal health. With 31 years of specialized periodontal and osseous surgery experience, Dr. Robert Faiella blends this traditional surgical approach with advanced technology to deliver effective solutions and optimal results for your overall wellness and smile.

Our Unique Approach to Treatment

The osseous surgery process starts with a personalized consultation and review of periodontal measurements, low-radiation x-rays and clinical evaluation of gum disease sites. On the day of your gum disease surgery, Dr. Faiella gently numbs treatment areas to ensure a comfortable procedure. He then retracts the gum tissue to gain access to gum infection and irritants deep beneath the gum line. Once he has thoroughly cleansed these areas, he adds bone grafting material and biocompatible regenerative factors, such as Blood Morphogenetic Protein and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors, to encourage the body to rebuild bone and gum tissue naturally. Gum disease treatment sites are then sutured with precision and allowed to heal.

Advantages of Osseous Surgery

  • Stops the gum disease process
  • Replaces lost bone tissue
  • Increases stability for teeth
  • Reduces risk of tooth loss
  • Minimizes bleeding and bad breath
dr faiella performing osseous surgery

Proven Surgical Care for Predictable Results

Osseous surgery is a proven, tried-and-true gum disease treatment that delivers predictable results. If you have localized or generalized advanced gum disease, Dr. Faiella may recommend osseous surgery to reestablish gum and bone health. Dr. Faiella and our team always bring our refined skills, expertise and compassion to each procedure, and are committed to creating positive treatment experiences for our patients. As a board-certified periodontist and distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Osseointegration, he is the periodontal surgeon many dentists and patients in the region trust for expert, high-quality gum disease care.

Treat the advanced stages of gum disease with proven osseous surgery.